Very funny incident, I was suddenly craving for Big Mac Large Fries Meal, checked their website and it says P148. So i just bring P150 to buy the meal. Inside Mcdo, to have "GO large fries" plus P10 so it P160... Aww so I cant buy the meal.
Option 2, i'll just have a pasta meal. So I went to the supermarket. Imagine what i bought with P150?
- Apple Fiber Bread Loaf Walter Double Fiber (P51). Label says "Heart Protect", you can also taste the apple pulp/fiber. That is good for 1 week afternoon snack, I spread Pizza sauce & cheese or mushroom pasta sauce (taste like liver spread.. but healthy.. less on calories. Toast them on the toaster. Yum Yum)
- 10 pcs Energen Monggo that goes with my healthy breakfast vanilla shake. YumYum taste like melted Selecta mongo ice cream. If you are on a lose weight program, regular oats have lesser calorie
- 1 pack banana (8 pcs) to be mix with my healthy breakfast shake to make it creamy and frothy. Starbucks effect. Imagine having a starbucks everyday at our own home
- Lastly, ah my meal - Baked Mac n Creamy Soup
- P5 left i donated them.. yippee... I went home very happy.
Hm.. my dinner? Ok it is instant Baked Mac, but i created a gourmet meal out of it.. except the pasta itself is not that good.. but.. i added
- pizza sauce
- milk to make it creamy
- basil leaves (pick if from our pot, we grow diff kinds of herbs.. love them .. you can also buy dried one on the supermarket but i like mine fresh)
- 1 small chilli labuyo
- finish it off with cheese
So, for dinner i have a gourmet pasta, creamy soup and pear as my dessert. Yum Yum.
Couldnt image that 1 Big Mac meal, becomes 1 dinner plus 1 week healthy breakfast and snack.
Plus my meal has lesser calorie and is healthy:
-Healthy Pasta Meal 753 Calorie (creamy soup <203cal.>, pasta<450cal.>, pear <100cal>) vs Big Mac Meal 1374 Calorie (bigmac<570cal.>, fries<610cal.>, large softdinks<194cal.>) = Less 621 Calorie!!!
-Breakfast (210 Cal): Shake 80 Cal, ½ Energen 80 Cal, Milk 100 Cal, ½ Banana 50 Cal. This is the usual breakfast (754 Calorie): 1 cup rice<200cal.>, 1 egg <86cal.>, longanisa <366cal.> , lemonade <102cal.>
-Snack (230 Cal): Wheat Bread 2 slice 180 Cal. Sauce 50 to 100 Cal.. I am ideal weight already.. If you are under lose weight program , you can have shake instead